POST-JAM UPDATE. I gave the first section a much needed nerf--now, to clear up confusion, the capsule's hitbox actually reflects its size, and to compensate, I made it a little smaller and asteroids spawn much less frequently. I also fixed issues with the second level and ending.

Please read the controls before playing!

A game made in 3 days for Mini Jam 70. The theme was "Heaven," and the limitation was that the player must be an inanimate object. This is my most ambitious game yet, putting three genres in one game. Consider it to be the sequel to the game I made for the last Mini Jam, "Purgatory, Inc."

You are a droid, owned by Jack Jackson, a mediator between the dead and the living. You just received a message entailing the demise of Bob Bobson, Jack's recently deceased friend who has wrongfully been sent to hell. You have been instructed to do the only possible thing that would save him: sneak into the space station that is heaven HQ, and hack the system to bring him over to heaven. It won't be easy, with asteroids, searchlights, and angels in your way...


  • WASD/arrow keys to move, where applicable
  • Space to jump, where applicable
  • Click to shoot, where applicable


All art by me :)
Music not by me:
Lion roar from

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