NOTE: If your game starts to lag, press R

Wow! 63rd place! I was not expecting to place that high. Thanks so much to everyone who played my game and left comments; this game had the most ratings and comments I've ever had and they were all super nice and constructive!

Tenebris is a platformer with 8 levels, based on exploration and trial & error. Made in 3 days as a submission to Wowie Jam 3.0, for which the theme was "FAILURE IS PROGRESS".

You, Boy Blob, were taking a stroll in the dark forest with Girl Blob one day, when you suddenly made a wrong turn and got lost. The forest is full of obstacles and suspended platforms you can't see. As you walk, you will light up the area around you, but if you want to make it to the end of each zone, you'll have to fail sometimes to identify the obstacles and learn more about the level in order to progress.

All assets were made by me within the submission frame (other than a few lines of code). Made using: Unity, Piskel, Bfxr, Audacity, and Beepbox.

Have fun!

Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Tags2D, Pixel Art, Singleplayer, Spooky

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